Monday, January 18, 2016


Hello, Students. Welcome to English 2310, World Literature. I am Dr. Julie L. Lester, and I will be your instructor for this course.

I am looking forward to sharing with you some of the most compelling and generative texts from all parts of the world. We will be studying some ancient texts from Babylonia, Persia, India, and of course, Anglo-Saxon Britain, and the New World.

I hope this will be an enriching and exciting course for you, and I have designed this website as our guide. Each week I will be posting material to supplement our lessons: this material includes additional information about authors and the historical contexts they occupied, items to consider in your research, as well as a 'go-to' site for course information such as study guides and essay specifications. I hope that this site will serve adequately to help you along with this course and its content.

Please take a moment when you can to peruse the site, explore the links, and become acquainted with the content.

I anticipate a rewarding semester!

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